viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

The Chase Task 8

1) One of them, the hunters, that someone was in trouble.

2) They were trying to catch the woman.

3) Word Showing a feeling - Positive - Neutral - Negative
    Fear                                    Excitement             Fear
    Worried                              Triumph                 Worried
    Excitement                                                        Terror

4) She felt triumphant.

5) "She already was trouble", She knew who he was.

6) To see better, because they were looking for her an it helps.

7) On the opera house, hiding.

8) Because she has been running too much.

10) Because she will be noticed if she doesn't run.

11) Because in that place she dug out a tracer device.

a.- relaxed, loosened = smoothly
b.- wide apart = wide rear
c.- varied = multifarious
d.- complicated = trouble
e.- related = similar
f.- asked for = called on

13) Because he is using a ear set.

14) One of them uses ear sets.

15) In the present because they are using ear sets, and that reflects we are in 21 century.

16) Because it generates mystery during the story, in the readers role the narrator it transformed probably in spy or an agent.

17) The side of the narrator, because it is in trouble, and I want to help her.

18) The narrator scales from the hunters, and them got chased by the police and go to prison.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015

Speech of Animal Farm

Dear Fellows, 

Today 11th November of 2016, a simple sheep like me has summon you, my partners, to this important meeting that concerns us all. I summoned just some of you because it cannot be revealed the real purpose of the meeting. It’s true that I am a simple sheep that doesn’t do anything truly important for the farm more than agree or disagree the propositions, but I need your help and it is your right to know this.
It’s well known that when we expelled the humans out of the farm we had to decide what we were going to do next. Napoleon took care of the farm and everybody was accepting the situation, but I was the only one that had a different point of view. Snowball, also had the same reaction than I when we listened to Napoleons speech for the first time, but he was different than me, he expressed his opinion against Napoleon, with the consequence of being chased and incriminated like a traitor. Fellows, I investigated Napoleon’s mandate and I discovered that he has cheated to all of us. First he had perverted Old major’s dreams, Old major had imposed the first laws and decrees which were based on where all animals were equal, but Napoleon didn’t care about any of his dreams, until Old major died in hands of the humans. One day when I was passing near Napoleon’s room I listened to a conversation between him and Scuiler that had explained all my doubts. The disappearance of all the chickens was because Napoleon wanted to sell all the eggs that had been hatched by the hens, but instead of accepting this situation the hens flew into the sky and threw all the eggs so Napoleon couldn’t sell it, Napoleon knew this and hanged all the hens.
So how are you going to accept like your leader an animal who doesn’t even care of your own lives, Boxer was the one who worked harder in the farm and Napoleon killed him lying to him by saying that he was going to the doctor but instead he was sent to the slaughterhouse.
Animals, what is the difference between being dominated by the humans or by Napoleon, which instead of being safe, we are constantly afraid of what is going to happen next, he instead of feeding us takes rations of food and brainwashed our minds.
Are you with me or with someone who wants to assume you in misery?
¡¡ Long live to the revolution!!

418 words