miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013
Trinity Written Examination
This school has made many changes since the new headteacher arrived, his name Michael Wilson. He " is famous for his belief in strong discipline ". The students of Allsop Academy must follow some strict rules: stand in lines waiting for teachers to lead them into classrooms", " wear grey and red jackets, ties and pullovers". " Teachers send students home if they have the wrong shoes, or the hair too long or too short ". Some of the new changes made in the school are new buildings with new colors because before the headteacher arrived, the buildings were too old and ugly. " The school has received a lot of money for teaching and sports activities". In my opinion more discipline is good to make a school better but I personally disagree with some rules, like the one about the short hair or the wrong pair of shoes.
martes, 8 de octubre de 2013
lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013
Portfolio Tasks, Correspondence Nº5
Dear Julian,
If you want to be a television presenter there are some things that you will need to know, if you fail in a word or something like that all the people will see you because you are in live. Another thing is you will need to study journalism and know how to speak in front of a public and use correctly the language. I hope that you will be happy being a television presenter.
Portfolio Tasks, Factual Writing Nº5
Yesterday I watched a football match and one of the players push the ball with his hand to avoid another player that was trying to take the ball from him, causing an unfairly goal. The reffery didn't saw the fault and the public could do nothing. This can't be allowed again because the players make all his effort to win matches and the opponents make faults of extreme grade. I think that the FIFA need to change his metodology of only reffery's and not cameras. I expect that you could understand my opinion and make something to do this sport more fairly.
Franco Nervi
domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013
Portfolio Tasks, Creative and Descriptive Writing N°3
Portfolio Tasks, Factual Writing N°4
Holiday's Questions Activity
miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013
Mistake N1: " Last year I had a Travel to NY"
Rule: Correct use of nouns.
Correction: "Last year I had a Trip to NY"
Explanation of the grammar rule:
These two words frequently confuse learners of English.
A quick explanation that is valid for most situations is the following:
Travel – a verb (the action)
Trip – a noun
Extracted from : http://www.woodwardenglish.com/travel-vs-trip-difference/
2 links to practice this structure:
Exercise 1: http://www.woodwardenglish.com/travel-vs-trip-difference/
Exercice 2: http://www.woodwardenglish.com/travel-vs-trip-difference/
Mistake N2: I will play a futbol cup.
Correction: I will play a football cup.
Grammar rule: Correct use of language.
Grammar rule stracted from: http://www.wordreference.com/es/en/translation.asp?spen=f%C3%BAtbol
1) I love playing football.
2) I will play football tonight.
To practice:
Mistake N3: The party must be in another place that a house.
Correction: The party must be in other place that a house.
Grammar Rule: Correct form to use singular and plural.
Explanation of the grammar rule:
If the noun is singular, we use another to modify it; if it is plural, we use other. Anothermeans one other, so it should only be used with the singular.
Stracted from: http://www.grammarly.com/handbook/grammar/adjectives-and-adverbs/27/other-and-another/
Two new examples:
1) I will give you another chance.
2) I saw Jane and Jack holding each other.
To practice:
1) http://www.englishpractice.b-books.cz/Grammar/grammar13_cz.php
2) http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=6663
Mistake N4: I brought my sterero to the music.
Correction: I brought my stereo for the music.
Grammar rule: Correct use of prepositions.
Explanation of the grammar rule:
Used to indicate the place, person, or thing that someone or something moves toward, or the direction of something:"I am heading to the entrance of the building."
Used to indicate the use of something:
"This place is for exhibitions and shows."
Stracted From:
Two new examples:
1) I am so happy for you.
2) This letter is very important to your admission.
To practice:
1) http://www.talkenglish.com/Grammar/prepositions-of-to-for.aspx
2) http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/ask-teacher/32421-when-use.html
Mistake N5: The five Avenue is the most exclusive street.
Correction: The 5th Avenue is the most exclusive street.
Grammar rule: Correct use of adjetives.
Explanation of the grammar rule:
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/fifth and http://www.thefreedictionary.com/five
Two Examples:
1) I am in the fifth avenue
2) There are five candies.
To practice:
domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013
Portfolio Tasks, Correspondence N°3
Portfolio Tasks, Creative and Descriptive Writing N°5
lunes, 1 de julio de 2013
jueves, 27 de junio de 2013
Emilia Case
After the investigations Nelson Fariña of 36 years old was in overspeed driving, under the influence of alcohol and whose breathalyzer test scored 2.23 grams of alcohol per liter of blood. Cameras of transit show that after the crush Fariña started his escape, this was another thing because Nelson Fariña was formalized, the witness managed to catch Fariña when he was undertaking his escape and he dont notice any authority of the accident occurred. Fariña was driving at 130 kilometers per hour. These events add a sentence greater than 5 years in prison cash but by the court of justice the sentence was of two months in prision, the family of Emilia was in disagreement and they say " Do you think that two months applies the death of my daughter?" With this Silva, the father of Emilia made a call to increase the forces to keep fighting for the promulgation of the denominated "Emilia Law" that consist of increase the sentence for the people who makes this types of crime.
miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013
Problems of Alcohol in the People
- In 2004, 13.6% of all drivers involved in fatal crashes were young drivers age 15 to 20.
- For the same year and age group, 29% of the drivers who were killed in motor vehicle crashes had been drinking.
- Bleeding from the esophagus (the tube that connects the throat to the stomach) or stomach.
- Inflammation and damage to the pancreas. The pancreas produces substances that the body needs to function well.
- Damage to the liver. When severe, often leading to death.
- Poor nutrition.
- Cancer of the esophagus, liver, colon, head and neck, breast, and other area
- Peer pressure is also a cause of the use of alcohol.
lunes, 8 de abril de 2013
Young Sherlock Holmes Tasks